5 business podcasts to listen to during your summer break

So you like staying connected to news while on holiday. And you want to take the time to dig into some topics. Good news: we’ve collected five business podcasts to listen to while hiking, sunbathing, mountain-biking or travelling towards a heaven-like destination. Enjoy!

PwC UK business podcasts: The new realities of cyber security

We’re big fans of the business podcasts our colleagues in the UK put together. We might be a little biased, but their series on Brexit, trade, economics in business or cybersecurity are worth listening. Go through the seven episodes below to understand the big picture of cybersecurity – from EU regulation to new threats and how to deal with them.

HBR IdeaCast

We recommend the Harvard Business Review’s podcasts because they manage to build interesting and balanced debates on hot topics in the business world. They have an impressive collection of over 580 episodes on changing business models, new talent, leadership, startups, disruptive technologies, etc.

In the podcast below, Mihir Desai, a professor at Harvard Business School, makes the case for enhancing the human part of finance. For him, the practice of finance, with increasing quantification, has lost touch with its foundations. He argues that finance can also be ethical, legitimate and “life-affirming”.

The Economist asks

This is a series of expert interviews you shouldn’t miss. We admire The Economist for their great professionalism and the depth of their analyses. The business podcast below features Christian Madsbjerg to discuss the dominance of data analytics and its role in decision-making.

The Bottom Line by BBC4

Evan Davis hosts business podcasts with high-level guests – business leaders, top scientists and academics, politicians and public servants. We think negotiation skills are in important, in life and business alike. So we’ve chosen the business podcast below because it explores the skills needed in settling disputes and other tips and tricks.

Financial Times’ Big Read

We’re lucky to have an audio version for the best of the FT’s long-form stories, the so-called Big Reads.  You can listen to their business podcasts on FT’s website or via SoundCloud (not regularly updated).

The Corporate leadership: The war for talent podcast looks at different models of leadership and how they’ve taken shape in organisations such as General Electric or Uber.

All the podcasts we recommend are also available on iTunes. Tell us what you think and share with us your favourite podcasts (business-related or not).

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