A bank’s journey on rethinking its IT Target Operating Model  

Written in collaboration with Carla Santos, a member of The Blog team.  If you enjoy watching movies and series, you’ve probably noticed that many—if not most—of them are based on true stories. So much so that you might find yourself rolling your eyes and thinking, ‘Of course, it’s based on …

The risk of terrorism financing in Luxembourg: current state and challenges

Written in collaboration with Carla Santos, a member of The Blog team.  In 2022, Luxembourg’s foreign direct investment stock accounted for 1,400% of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP), far exceeding the EU average of 62%. Moreover, the country’s financial and insurance sectors contributed about 23% to the national GDP, underscoring …

Customer Experience and AI: a love story in the making

Ah, customer experience (CX)—the art of making people feel good about your brand at every turn, from the website visit to the product purchase and beyond. Done right, CX transforms customers into loyal fans. But here’s the kicker: delivering an amazing CX isn’t easy. Think about it. To really nail …

The corporate move to sustainable events: it ain’t easy, but it’s the only way forward 

As we have seen in a previous blog about the power of visual communication in the workplace, one picture says more than a thousand words. Looking at this eye-catching (and eye-opening) graph representing the number of earths needed for different countries’ lifestyles, based on the data from the Global Footprint …

Unlocking problem solving with LEGO® Serious Play®

Do you ever feel like team meetings and product design resemble a jigsaw puzzle with half the pieces missing? Miscommunication, mismatched ideas, endless brainstorming sessions, and unclear goals often leave teams spinning their wheels. What if the solution lies in something that was once a childhood favourite?  Enter LEGO® Serious …

Leadership beyond titles: the power of influence and collaboration

In early September, the blog team was highly impressed by a presentation on leadership delivered by our colleague Dajana Damjanovic, Senior Manager for Partner Career and Development. Dajana was one of a few individuals chosen to present their ideas at our annual Management Meeting 2024, which over 1,000 PwC partners, …

Luxembourg’s new tax reform: a move to attract global talent 

Disclaimer: This blog entry was updated on 2 January 2025 to reflect the Luxembourg Parliament’s vote on 11 December 2024 to approve the bills amending the Luxembourg income tax legislation.  Marianne recently completed her master’s degree in economics from Trinity College and is now seeking her first job. She plans …

AML in Luxembourg: progress, challenges, and the path forward 

In April 2024, PwC published its first-ever survey on anti-money laundering (AML) in the Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) region, led by our anti-financial crime team. The ‘EMEA AML Survey 2024’ gathered responses from hundreds of financial institutions across 40 countries and provided an unprecedented look at how AML …

The IT Evolution: shifting from service provider to strategic partner 

In the modern era, it’s undeniable that information technology (IT) is the backbone of any company or public organisation. IT is engaged in nearly every activity they undertake. Consequently, the relationship between business and the information technology (IT) department has become more closely intertwined than ever before.  This, and the …

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