Never Say Never – The myth of Intra-Group Outsourcing Exits

“Impossible! It doesn’t make sense!” – Léa, Compliance  “How would you even do that?” – Julie, Head of IT  “What are the consequences?” – Karl, Risk  Meet John, an IT Officer at a local Luxembourg AIFM, core member of the IT team, whose primary responsibility is to look after Information …

Be ready for Central Electronic System of Payment information (CESOP) with these four tips

Can you guess what was the amount of Value-Added Tax (VAT) due but uncollected in 2021 by the European Union (EU) Member States’ tax authorities? The ‘VAT compliance gap’ is the difference between the VAT total tax liability (VTTL) and what is actually collected by the Member States’ tax authorities.  …

What you need to know about Terrorism Financing in Luxembourg

If you have been following the news, you are likely aware that Luxembourg’s neighbours—Belgium, France, Germany and the Netherlands—have been facing a number of terrorist attacks over the years. This and the current geopolitical situation call for an increased level of controls to counter terrorism financing.  In this context, the …

Data Governance in action: the Chief Data Officer, the Chief Information Security Officer and the Perks of collaboration

In today’s business landscape, it’s undeniable that data has become a valuable asset. And as with any prized possession—be it your car, your house, or your book collection—you don’t want it to be stolen, misused or tampered with. Hence, you protect it at all costs. In the specific case of …

Navigating through 11 cognitive biases to unlock customer-centric success

Picture this: it’s 2009, and Volkswagen Sweden decides to conduct an experiment on how to influence people’s behaviour in their environment for an ad campaign promoting their new, more fuel-efficient brand.  More precisely, the well-known automotive company wants to encourage people to take the stairs instead of the escalator in …

Gear up for the Luxembourgish Law on Moral Harassment at work

“Impunity is over.” These were the words professed by the Ministry of Labour and the Inspectorate of Labour and Mines (ITM) that stuck in Myriam’s head after reading an article about the new bill against harassment at work from the Luxembourgish media RTL Today.   It was early May 2023, in …

From Risk to Confidence: Pioneering the responsible use of generative AI

Since their first inception in the beginning of 2021, generative artificial intelligences (GenAIs) have taken pace incredibly fast, boosted by the general public’s stratospheric adoption rates and the promise of free, unlimited creativity right at everyone’s fingertips.  Past the initial discovery phase, and its amusing procession of reworked pictures contests, …

The secret thoughts of a document waiting to be signed

Or: an old-fashioned odyssey marked by long waiting times, inefficiency, costly communication loops, legal risks, and ugly smudges of ink Sometimes I wonder if my fellow document buddies who already enjoy the privilege of living the dream of the “electronic signature” are aware of my poor existence. They can’t imagine …

The ethical hackers’ trip from Luxembourg to Las Vegas

Ever wondered what it’s like to venture into the fascinating world of hackers, where cybersecurity professionals and hobbyists engage in the most impressive knowledge-sharing event? Picture this: a sunny August morning in Las Vegas, the neon lights of the Strip illuminating the city that never sleeps. Amidst the glitz and …

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