Did You Know: Luxembourg largest climate finance donor

With EUR 235 per capita, Luxembourg is currently the largest per capita donor to the Green Climate Fund, the UNFCCC mechanism meant to help developing countries counter climate change. The Grand Duchy pledged EUR 120 million to finance climate change mitigation and adaptation projects between 2015 and 2020. 

The country plays its part in the global effort agreed upon at the Paris Conference of the Parties in 2015 and confirmed in Marrakesh this year. In this sense, the Government and the European Bank for Investment (EIB) have set up the Luxembourg – EIB Climate Finance Platform. Their initiative aims at connecting the country’s resources in terms of capital with EIB’s capacities to provide funding projects and instruments that mitigate climate change.

If you want to learn more about climate finance and Luxembourg’s contribution, check the latest issue of LEO magazine.

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