4 ideas for Christmas shopping with purpose

Your last month has been… hectic! You’ve gone through it like a champion and here you are, facing Christmas and the overwhelming giving-the-right-gift thing. You have a few days to come up with THE present your relatives and friends will love. Don’t panic, though, we’ve got you covered. We’ve tested several local and/or sustainable initiatives in Luxembourg to make your Christmas shopping easy and… meaningful.

1. For the bookworms

Goodbooks is an interesting and impactful online book shop concept. Each time you buy from this company, 100% of the e-tail profit goes to charitable projects. You get a huge collection of authors and titles at your fingertips and, through its priority shipping service, they send you the books in two days max. It’s a simple and fast way to get your Christmas shopping done.

Based in Luxembourg, Ernster is a book-store with “l’esprit livre”, being founded in 1889! They have an online shop, with an impressive selection of books and e-books in Luxembourgish, French, German or English. The best of all? It’s a local company, with a quick delivery (24 hours) and free of charge within the country. Give it a try!

2. For the fashionistas

Your beloved ones would rather start the year with the trendiest clothes of the season in their wardrobe? Take the Fashion Bus and surprise them with a sustainable piece of clothing. The Akabobus is a Luxembourg-based bus that tours the country and sells cool and fresh apparel, produced in a responsible way. They work with world-renowned sustainable clothing brands and have quite an interesting collection for the coming year. Besides, if you go to the Akabobuttek you get a free fair-trade coffee to boost your Christmas shopping mood.

If you’re at the opposite end, looking to make some room in your wardrobe for the coming sales season, we have a great tip for you. Dress for Success is a not-for-profit organisation that helps disadvantaged women into the workforce by offering donated clothes and personal grooming advice. If you don’t have any clothes to give, but would still like to help the cause (even on behalf of someone else), you can also donate money.

3. For the connoisseurs

You’re serious about wine and want to offer Luxembourg in a bottle? That’s good news because the country’s wine galore ranges from Riesling to Pinot Gris or Pinot Noir and from sparkling wines to “crémants”. On top of being local, the wine label “Marque Nationale-Appellation contrôlée” grants provenance and quality. Pay a visit to 100% Luxembourg shop, to find your favourite grape variety.

Tested for you: If you fancy the sound of the best wine sliding down the glass walls of a cup, join the community created by Vivino. They gather 21 million users worldwide – what they consider the world’s largest community of wine drinkers. Although the internet site has all you need to know about wine, the app is definitely worth trying. You can even take a photo of any wine label and find its rating, review, and average price instantly. Find it on App Store or Google Play.

Sure, there are more options! We wanted, though, to come up with some ideas of Christmas shopping with a purpose and help you mount on Santa’s list of good-doers. Sometimes, to be the best spouse, the most beloved parent, the greatest friend or simply a fair co-worker, you have to take uncharted paths.

Merry Christmas shopping, folks!   



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