The Tech Avengers in the battle against Financial Crime

In the complex world of financial crime, where shadowy figures shuffle money like a game of cards, technology emerges as our hero.   Financial crime is a serious threat to the global economy and society. These crimes can undermine the integrity of financial markets, harm the reputation of businesses, and ease …

The Intensifying Fight Against Money Laundering & Terrorist Financing (Part 2)

“You get to a point where it gets very complex, where you have money laundering activities, drug related activities, and terrorist support activities converging at certain points and becoming one.” Sibel Edmonds In our previous article The Intensifying Fight Against Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (Part 1), we deep dived …

The Intensifying Fight Against Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (Part 1)

“The only way to stop the flow of this dirty money is to get tough on the bankers who help mask and transfer it around the world. Banks themselves don’t launder money, after all: people do.” Robert Mazur, former federal agent who worked as an undercover money launderer In recent …

When the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) comes to town

Let’s talk about money laundering, baby.   We bet that got your attention. But being connected to money laundering in any way is not the kind of attention that individuals, businesses and— arguably more importantly — financial centres like Luxembourg want. At all.   There was a funny post on social media …

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