‘The inclusion habit’ and the art of completing a complex puzzle, piece by piece

In this blog, we talk about ‘the inclusion habit’. More to the point, why inclusion matters, why it has value and how managers and teams can build inclusive mindsets into their daily work culture beyond formal training.  ‘Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me …

How to NOT take the sparkle out of someone at work with microaggressions

Microaggressions are often small, many times unintentional, mean or insensitive comments, questions or bias-based assumptions we are all guilty of. Yes, you do it too sometimes. And we do too. They can deflate and hurt a person’s feelings and take away their sense of safety. They have no place in …

How Diversity and Inclusion navigates the COVID-19 crisis

Have you performed the Herculean task of blending home-based work and child caring successfully?  By the time you read this article, Luxembourg will be finishing the third week of progressive deconfinement. Say “p-r-o-g-r-e-s-s-i-v-e” very slowly, as if pronouncing each letter takes a couple of seconds. What an appropriate acoustic representation …

Leader’s Checklist in ‘the walk’ towards Gender Equality

Gender equality has been in the minds of leaders all over the world for a while. Achieving gender balance at the workplace is anything but a simple issue; creating truly inclusive professional environments is an organisation’s major challenge. There is an urgency to address the challenges women face beyond policies …

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