The biggest challenges when Luxembourg organisations deploy AI

Isn’t it a paradox to talk about implementing artificial intelligence technology (AI) with success by enhancing human-led factors? Yes, it may be it in a way.  Behind all this, the fear of “being replaced by robots” is like a little thorn in many people’s minds, but we don’t need to …

The bet on Customer Transformation to build enduring relationships

Maria, who lives in Luxembourg, was dreaming about going to Porto in May 2020, taking advantage of the abundant number of bank holidays during this month. She even booked her plane tickets and accomodation quite in advance, cleverly anticipating that prices would go high during this period. In March, she …

The fundamentals of defining a data strategy for your business

Abraham Lincoln was quoted as saying “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the ax.”  “You want to bear that quote (and process) in mind when defining your data strategy.” That’s how Bernard and Philippe summarised the matter when we …

Real-time data, a business ally when change is constant

The point we’ve reached, this fast-paced world we live in where 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are produced every single day, needs fast-paced intelligence that befriends a couple of chummy and efficient robots. Only in 2020 —the unforgettable year of the pandemic— each of us generated, on average, 1.7MB of …

How customer experience is helping businesses thrive in pandemic times

Although product and service innovation is, more often than not, driven by unhappy customers whose demands for seamless, delightful and outcome-driven experiences are not being met, it’s up to smart, visionary businesses to seize the opportunity and, nimbly, cover those needs.  In the pandemic (and post-pandemic) world the need for …

Common ERP system implementation challenges and how to face them

The world is going digital and the trend is unstoppable. In the kingdom of bites, big data and algorithms, businesses have reached the point where Excel spreadsheets are old-school; they aren’t only sufficient but also inefficient. This is where postmodern ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) softwares comes into play.  In this …

This is how you start your Cloud transformation journey (Don’t miss the pace!)

By now, the business benefits of moving to the cloud aren’t questioned anymore. In fact, the adoption of cloud has followed a similar path than any other new technology. It needed first to be perceived as useful and easy to use. After all, the adoption of any digital technology always …

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