Tips to rock your digital transformation to success

Digital transformation often brings a mix of excitement and apprehension. Common concerns include job security, loss of human interaction, and adapting to new technologies.   Despite these fears, successful digital transformation hinges on a human-centric approach that values and involves employees, fostering a culture of collaboration, innovation, and growth. In …

The back office evolution in the Alternatives industry

Back office work isn’t appealing, so they say. It doesn’t have the excitement of client facing roles, nor the dynamism of marketing or product development. When it runs seamlessly, however, the business is on the right track to success.  Back office is a business cornerstone. It helps to boost productivity …

The fundamentals of defining a data strategy for your business

Abraham Lincoln was quoted as saying “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the ax.”  “You want to bear that quote (and process) in mind when defining your data strategy.” That’s how Bernard and Philippe summarised the matter when we …

How customer experience is helping businesses thrive in pandemic times

Although product and service innovation is, more often than not, driven by unhappy customers whose demands for seamless, delightful and outcome-driven experiences are not being met, it’s up to smart, visionary businesses to seize the opportunity and, nimbly, cover those needs.  In the pandemic (and post-pandemic) world the need for …

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