‘The inclusion habit’ and the art of completing a complex puzzle, piece by piece

In this blog, we talk about ‘the inclusion habit’. More to the point, why inclusion matters, why it has value and how managers and teams can build inclusive mindsets into their daily work culture beyond formal training.  ‘Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me …

GenXYZ Boom: A Cross-Generational look at Future Expectations

In the ever-changing tapestry of our society, each generation contributes unique threads that weave together the fabric of our cultural identity and define who we are. As the world progresses, generational gaps become more apparent, often accompanied by a plethora of clichés and stereotypes that attempt to define each cohort.  …

How to NOT take the sparkle out of someone at work with microaggressions

Microaggressions are often small, many times unintentional, mean or insensitive comments, questions or bias-based assumptions we are all guilty of. Yes, you do it too sometimes. And we do too. They can deflate and hurt a person’s feelings and take away their sense of safety. They have no place in …

Intersectionality at the workplace and why rainbow flags aren’t enough

What do Pride month, #MeToo, #MenToo and Black Lives Matter have in common? All of these movements, although having very different backgrounds, deal in some way or another with discrimination and are challenging the societal norms in which we live in. The constant flare-up of these movements, as well as …

Women’s presence in the boardroom: It’s improving, but it isn’t quite there yet.

“To quota or not to quota” to accelerate women’s participation in boards and, in general, in leadership positions? To some, that’s the way to walk faster on the sometimes rocky path to achieving gender parity.  Like in all human-centred matters, when it comes to diversity matters nothing is black or …

How big is the gender gap in the technology industry?

When talking about women in technology, the iconic English phrase “Mind the Gap” couldn’t describe the current situation better.  It’s undeniable that, in the past decades, the world has taken significant strides when it comes to gender equality and women’s rights. According to Eurostat, women make up for 66.5% of …

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