Artificial intelligence in cybersecurity and privacy: A blessing or a curse?

“In a dark place we find ourselves and a little more knowledge lights our way.” —Yoda, Star Wars Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith  A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, the Rebel Alliance, or simply the Rebellion, was at war with the oppressive Galactic Empire (or …

The ethical hackers’ trip from Luxembourg to Las Vegas

Ever wondered what it’s like to venture into the fascinating world of hackers, where cybersecurity professionals and hobbyists engage in the most impressive knowledge-sharing event? Picture this: a sunny August morning in Las Vegas, the neon lights of the Strip illuminating the city that never sleeps. Amidst the glitz and …

Digital security at home: A practical guide

Nowadays, security is a top priority. In current times, when working from a remote location has become predominant, performing our job alone and collaborating effectively with colleagues remotely are competences that we all had to learn or master quickly. The result however, is positive: we now connect, interact and get …

Six food-for-discussion ideas from the Cybersecurity and Privacy Days 2021

If you stumbled upon this article and you’ve started reading it, it’s because, somehow, cybersecurity concerns you.  See, you’re doing the right thing. Areas of armed conflict that are happening now may be geographically far from you, but cyber warfare is happening all around us, every single day. And you’re …

Cybersecurity Days: The five ideas that resonated the most with us

Recalling the saying, “It’s not a matter of ‘if,’ but a matter of ‘when’,”  when it comes to cybersecurity, isn’t pessimistic. On the contrary, it’s fairly realistic. Technology developments are a gale that is constantly changing not only how we live but also how we are. With great advancements come …

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