Delegation / outsourcing / co-sourcing… still a strategic option?

The recent evolution of the regulatory and tax landscape as well as the considerable growth of various industries like alternative investment is imposing a reorganisation of several players. Going forward, we believe that delegation/co-sourcing will have an important role to play. But more than ever, entities will have to consider …

Five steps to implementing an online video content strategy for your business

Tell me your story in 10 seconds. Only then will you exist. Really, we should have said in 8 seconds because that’s the human attention span according to a widely publicised study. However, is this a natural human limitation or is it due to the multiple choices we currently have …

Not having a data strategy isn’t a strategy in the real estate industry

You have to be business intelligent nowadays. Don’t you feel this is a “must-have” buzz phrase in any business report you write, no matter the financial services industry in which you work? The first time someone used the term “business intelligence” (BI) was more than 150 years ago. It was …

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