A bank’s journey on rethinking its IT Target Operating Model  

Written in collaboration with Carla Santos, a member of The Blog team.  If you enjoy watching movies and series, you’ve probably noticed that many—if not most—of them are based on true stories. So much so that you might find yourself rolling your eyes and thinking, ‘Of course, it’s based on …

The IT Evolution: shifting from service provider to strategic partner 

In the modern era, it’s undeniable that information technology (IT) is the backbone of any company or public organisation. IT is engaged in nearly every activity they undertake. Consequently, the relationship between business and the information technology (IT) department has become more closely intertwined than ever before.  This, and the …

Empowering banks through a business-led technological transformation

Leonard couldn’t lull himself into dreamland. His bedside clock kept reminding him of the unforgiving passage of time—it was now 5am—and he was getting more and more jittery. You see, later that day, his team would receive training on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how to use it in their department. …

Sustainability transformation: how to do well, but also do good

Alice is the CEO of a well-established telecommunications company. Last year, the board of directors decided unanimously that it was time to join the wave of companies making strong statements about their commitment to achieve net zero by 2030. The truth is that making such statements can be daunting. While …

Customer-centricity at the core of business strategy

Most businesses nowadays are obsessed with customer experience. But it’s that kind of fixation  that will do good eventually. Efforts to mitigate the Covid-19 pandemic have pushed us into using online services more often, especially during confinement. More than ever, individuals demand first-rate, personalised, digital experiences with user-friendly interfaces that …

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