Beyond traditional insurance: How captives can cover emerging and hard-to-place risks

Written in collaboration with Mary Carey, a member of The Blog team.  In a rapidly evolving risk landscape, businesses are increasingly encountering threats that traditional insurance models fail to address adequately. Certain risks, such as cyber threats, pandemic disruptions, reputational harm, supply chain failures, and Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) …

‘Basel IV’: a significant evolution to better protect banks and people’s savings

Portugal was still grappling with the harrowing effects of the financial crisis when, in July 2014, a(nother) scandal hit the country’s headlines and beyond. Banco Espírito Santo (BES)—one of Portugal’s largest private banks back then—was at the epicentre. The first alarm bell went off when the bank, owned by the …

An Actuarial take on Enterprise Risk Management

The economic globalisation as well as the digital revolution and associated consequences have led organisations in all industries to put risk management at the heart of their governance. They have done so by implementing Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) frameworks and increasing their Chief Risk Officer’s (CRO) role and responsibilities. ERM …

The importance of materiality when assessing sustainability risks

There is no one single definition for sustainability risks but most experts  agree on two facts: sustainability risks aren’t simple to address and the scarcity and reliability of data to assess them are a common issue. According to the SFDR (sustainable finance disclosure regulation), “Sustainability risk means an environmental, social or governance event …

Six food-for-discussion ideas from the Cybersecurity and Privacy Days 2021

If you stumbled upon this article and you’ve started reading it, it’s because, somehow, cybersecurity concerns you.  See, you’re doing the right thing. Areas of armed conflict that are happening now may be geographically far from you, but cyber warfare is happening all around us, every single day. And you’re …

Operational risk management: what a tiny virus has taught us

What’s arguably the most important risk you should avoid? It’s the risk of doing nothing, to remain idle, Mihai Stroe, who helped us put this article together, told us. That’s why this blog is a go-to guide for your organisation to review key aspects of the Operational Risk Management (ORM) …

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