The bet on Customer Transformation to build enduring relationships

Maria, who lives in Luxembourg, was dreaming about going to Porto in May 2020, taking advantage of the abundant number of bank holidays during this month. She even booked her plane tickets and accomodation quite in advance, cleverly anticipating that prices would go high during this period. In March, she …

The back office evolution in the Alternatives industry

Back office work isn’t appealing, so they say. It doesn’t have the excitement of client facing roles, nor the dynamism of marketing or product development. When it runs seamlessly, however, the business is on the right track to success.  Back office is a business cornerstone. It helps to boost productivity …

The fundamentals of defining a data strategy for your business

Abraham Lincoln was quoted as saying “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the ax.”  “You want to bear that quote (and process) in mind when defining your data strategy.” That’s how Bernard and Philippe summarised the matter when we …

How COVID-19 is making the Luxembourg banking sector value the new scenery

How much do we dislike starting another blog with the word COVID in a prominent position? We don’t want our readers’ eyes to glaze over, or for the headline to mistakenly suggest negativity. Because we find this week’s topic – appreciating what is new and innovative in Luxembourg’s banking sector …

Business design and the future of business

“People ignore design that ignores people,” stated Frank Chimero, Brooklyn-based brand and product designer, some time ago.  Design is and has been an integral part of any successful business for centuries. However, only recently, businesses across the globe have acknowledged more noticeably the value that design adds to any outcome …

Six Summer Books (and more) that will make you think… while you’re lying on a beach

It’s that time of year again when your friendly, approachable PwC Luxembourg blog team starts going on summer vacation (not all at once of course, that would be a bit inconsiderate, so we’ll still be producing articles). But before we do, we’d like to propose to you a summer reading …

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