Can the Great Resignation become the Great Reimagination?

People are calling it the Great Resignation, a phenomenon that describes huge numbers of employees exiting their jobs and changing their lifestyles, careers and working habits following the COVID-19 pandemic. In the wake of this trend, companies are coming up with new ways to navigate these uncharted waters. The result …

The Magic Mix in the Digital Transformation of the HR function

Everything is going digital, including the HR function but, like any other organisational operation, the question of how far we should go when embracing that transformation is unskippable. How much is enough and what role should humans play? Before addressing the question, let’s set the basis. Human Experience Management, or …

The silent office: tips on how to survive isolated home-based work

The fast-spreading COVID-19 makes some of us feel like we’re in a zombie apocalypse: limiting human contact, avoiding large crowds, and remaining behind closed doors to escape contamination. Almost straight out of a science-fiction movie or a dystopian novel, right? Not quite. The coronavirus is affecting each and every part …

What Luxembourg HR pros think of the current state of the industry

The Human Resources (HR) function is spellbound by the times in which we live, ones of digital turmoil and societal change. Once any of these factors reaches critical mass, businesses are bound to pledge adherence —there isn’t another option anyway — and so must everything HR. The, “It’s just a …

5 + 1 things to consider when implementing an employee advocacy programme

Employee advocacy isn’t a new concept but It has become a recurring conversation subject among HR, Marketing and Communications professionals in different industries. Is it really worth investing in? As in other aspects of our lives, digital technology has done a good job boosting employee advocacy, making it mainstream. While …

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