The corporate responsibility of technology

Think of corporate responsibility. Then, situations linked to people, nature, pollution, climate change and philanthropy come to your mind. Now, think of technology, and smartphones, drones, virtual reality and, almost unavoidably, artificial intelligence are recalled. We tend to dissociate them because, in principle, they belong to different dimensions, the real …

About data privacy, technology and the coronavirus

Data, technology, and (almost) instantaneous communication give us, more than ever before, the means and capacity to combat the COVID-19 perils more effectively. People traceability, real-time tracking and supply monitoring are a few examples of what governments and security forces can currently do to mitigate the spread of the disease. …

Quo vadis, Earth? A wake up call for sustainable business

Where do we come from? Where are we going? What does that mean for business? Right now, our future isn’t looking too bright. There is growing mistrust in the economic and political system, global concern over our planet and the consequences of centuries of pollution as well as the dramatic …

The importance of Me in Media and how it’s triggering a revolution in business

The Media and Entertainment industry (M&E) is going through one of the most fascinating transformations of all times. It is restless and dynamic, and placing all bets on testing and quickly adopting new tech. But, the tech we consider as new today is, quite likely, not going to be new …

The day banks will perish

One day, banks will perish. You know, the big building where bankers attend customers face-to-face and a large set of services is delivered. Even the ones that have implemented an end-only digitisation model will disappear. One day. More and more, customers don’t like cosmetic fixes, when banks design an appealing …

How to successfully upskill in six steps

Many companies are desperately looking for candidates to fill their increasing job vacancies. Meanwhile hundreds of millions of unemployed, overqualified or under-skilled workers do not, or no longer, have the relevant skill sets required to fulfil specific roles. This lost workforce represents an incredible loss in growth and economic prosperity. …

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