What Luxembourg HR pros think of the current state of the industry

The Human Resources (HR) function is spellbound by the times in which we live, ones of digital turmoil and societal change. Once any of these factors reaches critical mass, businesses are bound to pledge adherence —there isn’t another option anyway — and so must everything HR. The, “It’s just a …

People Experience Series: 5 tips for businesses to thrive

A story has no beginning or end: arbitrarily one chooses that moment of experience from which to look back or from which to look ahead, wrote the English novelist Graham Greene. Leaders preparing for tomorrow’s workforce face a world where the old preconceptions do not apply. Yesterday’s assumptions about how workers …

People Experience Series: Facilitating intrapreneurship in 3 steps

Intrapreneurship is a loaded word. It might sound very 21st-century, but its five syllables are older than that, and so is its meaning. The term “Intrapreneur” dates back to 1978, when Gifford Pinchot and Elizabeth Pinchot coined it in the book “Intra-Corporate Entrepreneurship” while attending Tarrytown School for Entrepreneurs in …

People Experience Series: Burn the burnout down!

The world is changing. We’re sure you’ve heard that sentence many times over the past year. Technology being implemented in just about anything, from our personal to our professional lives, is reshaping the way we work. With the constant development of artificial intelligence-based tech and robotics, some job will disappear …

5 + 1 things to consider when implementing an employee advocacy programme

Employee advocacy isn’t a new concept but It has become a recurring conversation subject among HR, Marketing and Communications professionals in different industries. Is it really worth investing in? As in other aspects of our lives, digital technology has done a good job boosting employee advocacy, making it mainstream. While …

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