About data privacy, technology and the coronavirus

Data, technology, and (almost) instantaneous communication give us, more than ever before, the means and capacity to combat the COVID-19 perils more effectively. People traceability, real-time tracking and supply monitoring are a few examples of what governments and security forces can currently do to mitigate the spread of the disease. …

Five podcasts on technology matters you have to master in 2020

It’s already 2020. A new decade starts off. If you had to search for three adjectives to define the previous one, what would they be? Because it’s a difficult exercise, we chose two-word adjectives: technologically restless, politically surprising and environmentally disappointing (however, the rise of ESG investments and sustainable finance, …

The Blockchain Case: Can we trust the intermediary of trust?

First impressions count. In life, in business, when it comes to technology matters, when we think of blockchain. The history and evolution of bitcoin, one of disruption, fluctuation and volatility, seems to have done a disservice to the 10-year old most conspicuous distributed ledger.  Bitcoin just happens to be the …

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