Luxembourg’s new tax reform: a move to attract global talent 

Marianne recently completed her master’s degree in economics from Trinity College and is now seeking her first job. She plans to leave Dublin, her hometown, and move abroad for new experiences. Her parents aren’t thrilled about it, of course, but understand her thirst for adventure.   She is considering moving to …

Transfer Pricing and Value Added Tax are getting closer, so what now?

Have you heard about the growing focus of the Luxembourg tax authorities (LTAs) on the value added tax (VAT) and transfer pricing (TP) positions of Luxembourg’s taxpayers?  In fact, the global trend is for tax authorities to require more and more information about the local and cross-border intragroup transactions to …

“Tax”, a much needed prefix for our greener future

Everlasting growth has been the panacea of the socio-economic model we live in today, a logic not unlike the big bang theory expansion. However, this single idea is increasingly blamed for fueling the latest global economic crises and for aggravating the climate issues we face today. This criticism comes at …

Paramètres sociaux 2021 au Luxembourg, quoi de neuf?

Presque un an après le début d’une épidémie et d’une crise économique sans précédent, c’est en direction des plus bas revenus que le gouvernement luxembourgeois a décidé d’agir. En effet, avec une revalorisation de 2,8% du salaire social minimum, ce sont plus de 60 000 salariés qui verront leur salaire …

Social Parameters 2021 in Luxembourg, what’s new?

IMPORTANT: The Social Parameters have been updated. Read our PwC Flash to learn about the new applicable social parameters from 1 April 2022. Nearly one year after the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic –unheard-of by most of us–  followed by an economic crisis, the Luxembourg government has decided to focus …

Key considerations when outsourcing accounting and tax operations in the Alternatives Industry

The finance function in the alternatives industry has grown in complexity and the tendency seems to continue. In addition to the more intricate business structures as well as the increasing external stakeholders demands, joins the variable “digital transformation” that’s shaping the algorithm of the future.  Designing a finance function that …

DAC 6 in 5 minutes or so

Tax has become a reputation issue. Building public trust is a priority for companies and the industries they are part of, to increase their resilience in a world where technological advancements are caffeine and confidence is an anxiolytic that balances things out. Clear communication around tax is one way to …

This infographic tells you the 2019 social parameter changes

To keep pace with evolving living costs, as determined by the Statistics and Economic Studies bureau (STATEC), the main social parameters in the Index 814.40, applicable 1 January 2019, increase the social minimum salaries. The Index also introduces new lower rates for employers’ mutuality and implements a new reform in …

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