Empowering banks through a business-led technological transformation

Leonard couldn’t lull himself into dreamland. His bedside clock kept reminding him of the unforgiving passage of time—it was now 5am—and he was getting more and more jittery. You see, later that day, his team would receive training on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how to use it in their department. …

Cybersecurity Days: The five ideas that resonated the most with us

Recalling the saying, “It’s not a matter of ‘if,’ but a matter of ‘when’,”  when it comes to cybersecurity, isn’t pessimistic. On the contrary, it’s fairly realistic. Technology developments are a gale that is constantly changing not only how we live but also how we are. With great advancements come …

When the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) comes to town

Let’s talk about money laundering, baby.   We bet that got your attention. But being connected to money laundering in any way is not the kind of attention that individuals, businesses and— arguably more importantly — financial centres like Luxembourg want. At all.   There was a funny post on social media …

The GDPR, one year after

“Virtue is more feared than vice, because its excesses are not subject to regulation of conscience” stated Adam Smith. Aren’t laws, after all, trying to limit any potential excesses of our conscience? Innovation and regulation are bound to play the cat-and-mouse game. And you can easily figure who tries to …

‘The inclusion habit’ and the art of completing a complex puzzle, piece by piece

In this blog, we talk about ‘the inclusion habit’. More to the point, why inclusion matters, why it has value and how managers and teams can build inclusive mindsets into their daily work culture beyond formal training.  ‘Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me …

Artificial intelligence in cybersecurity and privacy: A blessing or a curse?

“In a dark place we find ourselves and a little more knowledge lights our way.” —Yoda, Star Wars Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith  A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, the Rebel Alliance, or simply the Rebellion, was at war with the oppressive Galactic Empire (or …

The Tech Avengers in the battle against Financial Crime

In the complex world of financial crime, where shadowy figures shuffle money like a game of cards, technology emerges as our hero.   Financial crime is a serious threat to the global economy and society. These crimes can undermine the integrity of financial markets, harm the reputation of businesses, and ease …

How finance gets personal, or the revolution of hyper-personalisation in Banking

  “Imagine if we, as a bank, could precisely know what each customer needs before they even articulate it. We could offer them financial products that they actually want, not just what we think they might need,” says Emily, a successful bank manager who is always eager to innovate.  She …

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