What Luxembourg HR pros think of the current state of the industry

The Human Resources (HR) function is spellbound by the times in which we live, ones of digital turmoil and societal change. Once any of these factors reaches critical mass, businesses are bound to pledge adherence —there isn’t another option anyway — and so must everything HR. The, “It’s just a …

People Experience Series: 5 tips for businesses to thrive

A story has no beginning or end: arbitrarily one chooses that moment of experience from which to look back or from which to look ahead, wrote the English novelist Graham Greene. Leaders preparing for tomorrow’s workforce face a world where the old preconceptions do not apply. Yesterday’s assumptions about how workers …

The Agile methodology’s enemies, debunked

Agile has been revolutionising the IT world over the last three decades, accelerating software delivery and maintainability and improving the engineering practice as a whole. Nowadays, its principles and practices have moved across a broad range of industries and functions. It has proved it can enhance businesses’ ability to manage …

Five podcasts on technology matters you have to master in 2020

It’s already 2020. A new decade starts off. If you had to search for three adjectives to define the previous one, what would they be? Because it’s a difficult exercise, we chose two-word adjectives: technologically restless, politically surprising and environmentally disappointing (however, the rise of ESG investments and sustainable finance, …

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