How banks can handle PSD2

The revised Payments Services Directive (PSD2) goes into effect in Europe in January 2018, but few banks are ready. By law they will need to make customer data available in a secure manner, and eventually to give third-parties access to their customer’s accounts. But equally important to these compliance efforts …

Would Brexit and the German political crisis boost Luxembourg real estate?

Luxembourg has been ranked in the top 10 of the most attractive city in Europe for real estate investment, according to the 2018 Emerging Trends in Real Estate report. While the country’s outstanding economic growth and political stability are undeniable arguments, Brexit has boosted Luxembourg real estate prospects. Though it’s …

4 trends that will revolutionise Asset & Wealth Management

Change in Asset & Wealth Management (the ‘AWM industry’) is now accelerating at an exponential rate. Although the industry is set for growth over the next ten years, asset and wealth managers must become business revolutionaries, even disruptors, if they’re to survive and prosper. We’ve identified 4 interconnected trends that …

More billionaires. More billions. What’s in it for society?

Globally, the total wealth of billionaires rose by 17 percent in 2016 to USD 6.0 trillion. Despite a period of heightened geopolitical uncertainty, the world’s ultra-wealthy are flourishing. We’re analysing in this post the wider societal impact of billionaires in terms of job creation and providing access to cultural capital. Where …

2030 series: What if social responsibility dominates the corporate agenda (3/5)

What if social responsibility becomes paramount in 2030? In this world, the sense of environmental responsibility, the focus on diversity, human rights and the recognition that business has an impact goes well beyond the financial. Workers and consumers demand that organisations do right by their employees and the wider world. In …

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