A bank’s journey on rethinking its IT Target Operating Model  

Written in collaboration with Carla Santos, a member of The Blog team.  If you enjoy watching movies and series, you’ve probably noticed that many—if not most—of them are based on true stories. So much so that you might find yourself rolling your eyes and thinking, ‘Of course, it’s based on …

Empowering banks through a business-led technological transformation

Leonard couldn’t lull himself into dreamland. His bedside clock kept reminding him of the unforgiving passage of time—it was now 5am—and he was getting more and more jittery. You see, later that day, his team would receive training on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how to use it in their department. …

7 Lessons on Innovation from our [un]accidental Podcast

Creativity is thinking up new things. Innovation is doing new things. —Theodore Levitt (1925–2006), renowned economist The last few years in particular have shown how fragile the economic, social or financial environment can be and how quickly the conditions in which a business operates can change. So, adapting to it …

The Magic Mix in the Digital Transformation of the HR function

Everything is going digital, including the HR function but, like any other organisational operation, the question of how far we should go when embracing that transformation is unskippable. How much is enough and what role should humans play? Before addressing the question, let’s set the basis. Human Experience Management, or …

How customer experience is helping businesses thrive in pandemic times

Although product and service innovation is, more often than not, driven by unhappy customers whose demands for seamless, delightful and outcome-driven experiences are not being met, it’s up to smart, visionary businesses to seize the opportunity and, nimbly, cover those needs.  In the pandemic (and post-pandemic) world the need for …

This is how you start your Cloud transformation journey (Don’t miss the pace!)

By now, the business benefits of moving to the cloud aren’t questioned anymore. In fact, the adoption of cloud has followed a similar path than any other new technology. It needed first to be perceived as useful and easy to use. After all, the adoption of any digital technology always …

AI-powered decision support systems, what are they?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) can do all the things humans do better, faster, and more reliably. That’s a bold statement. Because it seems that the next wave of Fintech is aiming to sweep humans out of financial services and who knows out of what else. One reads endless articles imagining dystopian …

Eight podcasts on emerging technologies you should listen to in 2020

One day, robots will socialise with people. One day, we’ll be able to successfully teleport into a different city, country and continent. One day, we’ll have nanobots running in our bloodstream that will allow us never to get sick again.  Do you think it’s impossible? While we might have a …

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