To trace or not to trace: opportunities and risks of contact tracing apps

Would you give up your privacy for the greater good? Mobile technology allows us to communicate instantaneously and, to most of us, it’s a great ally to act more efficiently no matter the time or the place. It’s said to be one of the most promising tools (or set of …

How far have we come with LGBTQ+ inclusion at the workplace

Time flies, even when our day-to-day activities are conditioned by the global pandemic, COVID-19. From March until recently, it has surely been a bit monotone, despite Spring and the stomach butterflies it usually brings with it. Colour is coming back with vengeance in June in the shape of a certain …

The electronic signature, driver of trust and efficiency in business

Many tasks are more complex to accomplish when one has to do them remotely. For instance building schemas to explain complex ideas or processes or carry out a brainstorming exercise. Although not alone, there is one that isn’t related to the dynamics of group interactions, the need for signing reports …

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