The day banks will perish

One day, banks will perish. You know, the big building where bankers attend customers face-to-face and a large set of services is delivered. Even the ones that have implemented an end-only digitisation model will disappear. One day. More and more, customers don’t like cosmetic fixes, when banks design an appealing …

LIBOR, simply explained

There are interest rate indices, and there is LIBOR. There are numbers, and there is LIBOR. In fact, you can even find articles referring to it as “the world’s most important number”. But what is this index the business community is increasingly talking about?   By the end of 2021, …

A new cycle for bank governance: the update of the EBA guidelines

In a year marked by the enforcement of several regulations, banks have their hands full. Investor protection (MiFID II), online payment innovation (PSD2), clients’ data privacy (GDPR) are among the regulations 2018 has seen being enforced. The banking sector is also undergoing a significant change when it comes to internal …

Can MiFID II make Financial Markets more efficient after all?

With MiFID II now in full swing, anyone buying or selling stocks, bonds, foreign exchange, commodities or exchange-traded funds is now affected by the new standards. Improving investor confidence while strengthening the industry don’t come for free. On top of revising costs and charges, the Directive brings more choice and lower …

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