Uncovering Corporate Banking, the hidden jewel of Luxembourg’s banking industry

Today, the entire banking sector represents half of Luxembourg’s financial services market. However, between 2010 and 2020, the number of banks operating in Luxembourg decreased from 147 to 128, which translated into a decline in net results from EUR 3.8mn to EUR 3m. Yet, when looking at the corporate banking …

New Luxembourg Securitisation Law, a game changer for the market

Less than two years ago we wrote a blog entry about securitisation, in which we attempted to explain in layman’s terms what securitisation is, and examined the opportunities and challenges of these structures. In the article, we also looked at the Luxembourg securitisation market through our 2020 Securitisation Market Survey. …

Three questions when unlocking banking data for intelligent use

In the past few years, most banks have come to understand that if data is the new oil for companies, then it just might be the new gold for them. Following this, most banks also realise that it will take Artificial Intelligence (AI) to unlock that data gold. Sounds pretty …

How to apply the EU taxonomy system in practice

In this article, we dive into the EU Taxonomy for sustainable finance based on the 2021 report by the UNEP FI (United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative), and the European Banking Federation (EBF). We are especially focusing on the Taxonomy in banking. Given that most companies are at different stages …

How COVID-19 is making the Luxembourg banking sector value the new scenery

How much do we dislike starting another blog with the word COVID in a prominent position? We don’t want our readers’ eyes to glaze over, or for the headline to mistakenly suggest negativity. Because we find this week’s topic – appreciating what is new and innovative in Luxembourg’s banking sector …

The potential of Corporate Banking in Luxembourg

Corporate banking is growing in importance to not only Luxembourg’s economy but also to ensure a successful future for the banking sector. Corporate banks need to differentiate themselves and generate real value and that translates into responding to increasing challenges such as cost discipline, related to end-to-end process streamlining, for …

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