It’s now or never: Convergence of the ESG Reporting Ecosystem and calls to action

The world needs globally accepted sustainability reporting standards to ensure transparent, comparable information for all stakeholders – businesses, investors, customers, employees, suppliers, regulators and governments. The quality of ESG reporting should be as high as it is for financial reporting and should be capable of being assured. This ensures a …

“Tax”, a much needed prefix for our greener future

Everlasting growth has been the panacea of the socio-economic model we live in today, a logic not unlike the big bang theory expansion. However, this single idea is increasingly blamed for fueling the latest global economic crises and for aggravating the climate issues we face today. This criticism comes at …

Women’s presence in the boardroom: It’s improving, but it isn’t quite there yet.

“To quota or not to quota” to accelerate women’s participation in boards and, in general, in leadership positions? To some, that’s the way to walk faster on the sometimes rocky path to achieving gender parity.  Like in all human-centred matters, when it comes to diversity matters nothing is black or …

ESG Data Management: the future imperative

Sustainable Finance and ESG have taken a hold of the market and are moving from niche to mainstream by now. Asset Managers (AMs) are changing the once recurrent question of why integrate non-financial factors—notably Environmental, Social & Governance—to ‘how’ it is actually done.  For all financial market players, going into depth …

The corporate responsibility of technology

Think of corporate responsibility. Then, situations linked to people, nature, pollution, climate change and philanthropy come to your mind. Now, think of technology, and smartphones, drones, virtual reality and, almost unavoidably, artificial intelligence are recalled. We tend to dissociate them because, in principle, they belong to different dimensions, the real …

Gender equality at the workplace: where we stand and where we want to go

If we had to paint each month with a different colour, March would be purple.  Purple embodies spirituality, creativity, dignity and royalty.  Internationally, it’s the colour that symbolises women. The choosing of this colour seems to have been inspired by the flag that the Women’s Social and Political Union (WSPU)⁠—a …

People Experience Series: 5 tips for businesses to thrive

A story has no beginning or end: arbitrarily one chooses that moment of experience from which to look back or from which to look ahead, wrote the English novelist Graham Greene. Leaders preparing for tomorrow’s workforce face a world where the old preconceptions do not apply. Yesterday’s assumptions about how workers …

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