Five Wealth Management Trends to keep an eye on (and the story of a family art business)

This isn’t an article about wealth management trends only, but a story inspired by what clients in the industry are living nowadays. Taking into account their anecdotes and questions, and the Wealth Management Forum held in Crystal Park in early November as an invaluable information source, we’ve written down this …

Five steps to implementing an online video content strategy for your business

Tell me your story in 10 seconds. Only then will you exist. Really, we should have said in 8 seconds because that’s the human attention span according to a widely publicised study. However, is this a natural human limitation or is it due to the multiple choices we currently have …

Operating models in the Asset Management Industry: What’s next?

The asset and wealth management (AWM) industry’s revolution is ongoing. Assets under management (AuM) are increasing, as are costs and revenues. Although revenues costs have gone up, they’ve not grown at the same speed as revenues for many reasons, including economies of scale and the slow adoption of new technologies. …

What Mancos need to know about the CSSF Circular 18/698

Some weeks ago, the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF) issued the circular 18/698 (replacing circular 12/546) defining the conditions to obtain and maintain the authorisation for Investment Fund Managers (IFM) under Luxembourg law. Presented in one single extensive document, the circular clarifies authorisation terms linked to shareholder structure, own fund requirements, IFMs …

Not having a data strategy isn’t a strategy in the real estate industry

You have to be business intelligent nowadays. Don’t you feel this is a “must-have” buzz phrase in any business report you write, no matter the financial services industry in which you work? The first time someone used the term “business intelligence” (BI) was more than 150 years ago. It was …

Upskilling or how Anna learnt to adapt to our world with robots

Anna. She aspires to work in journalism, but she’s an engineer. Rumours in the corridors of the company hint that most of the production lines will soon be automated and that a bunch of people – no matter their job position – will soon be queueing at the Employment Office. …

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