Six Customer-Experience related books our experts recommend for your business

Revolution vs incrementalism to design true customer journeys? Despite user experience (UX), user interaction (UI) and related matters becoming more and more ubiquitous in business, the reality is that only 13% of organisations think of the customer journey when structuring themselves according to latest research*. Most Customer Experience (CX) decision …

If Luxembourg attracts UK-based Fintechs after Brexit, what’s next?

With mobile payments on the rise, Electronic Money Institutions (EMIs) and Payment Institutions (PI) are to play a major role in facilitating the development of payment services. Brexit isn’t going to distinguish long-established financial services companies from new market players. It will affect equally UK-based EMIs and PIs, and traditional …

Transfer Pricing Provisions in Luxembourg VAT law: What you need to know

As a private customer when you purchase a good or a service from your supplier, value-added tax (VAT) is generally included in the price. The supplier is collecting and then remitting the amount of VAT to the relevant corresponding country’s tax authorities. For companies operating in the financial services industry …

How much can the older workforce impact the OECD economies?

Our Golden Age Index 2018 shows that the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) is gradually improving towards a greater engagement of older individuals in the workforce. Weighing an average of seven indicators that reflect the labour market for workers over 55 years, the Index shows that countries like …

A new cycle for bank governance: the update of the EBA guidelines

In a year marked by the enforcement of several regulations, banks have their hands full. Investor protection (MiFID II), online payment innovation (PSD2), clients’ data privacy (GDPR) are among the regulations 2018 has seen being enforced. The banking sector is also undergoing a significant change when it comes to internal …

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