10 business trends to watch in 2017 – Costs reduction (5/10)

Almost a decade after the global financial crisis, financial institutions still have to cut costs to contain the low growth, low margin and highly-regulated environment. Outsourcing and offshoring have helped in the past, but they’re no longer enough. Businesses must now turn to technology and digitalisation to move forward.

Financial crime: lessons learnt and new trends

Cyber crimes, money laundering, robbery, selling of controlled substances, and abuses of economic aid are all examples of economic crimes. New criminal trends have recently emerged in different business sectors and industries. We interviewed Robert Mazur, the former US federal agent who went undercover deep into Pablo Escobar’s Medellín Cartel and …

Did you know: VAT authorities to increase scrutiny in 2017

The Luxembourg VAT authorities have just released their 2016 annual activity report. While this document discloses last year’s milestone figures, it also sets their objectives for 2017. In the light of the tax reform, VAT authorities will particularly beef up penalties and introduce personal liability of directors while intensifying electronic …

How to set up a Reserved Alternative Investment Fund (RAIF)

The Reserved Alternative Investment Funds (RAIF) grants fund managers an additional opportunity to set up a new form of Alternative Investment Fund (AIF). While RAIF combines the features and structuring flexibilities of existing regulated vehicles in Luxembourg, it is not subject to CSSF supervision. We put together practical information to set …

Did you know: Economic crime is on the rise in Luxembourg

Economic crime continues to be a dominant item on the business agenda and no industry sector, region or size of business is immune. Instances of economic crimes continue to increase in frequency around the world and are a key concern for Luxembourg companies, which are particularly exposed. Here are three facts that …

Did you know: RAIF

The Reserved Alternative Investment Fund (“RAIF”) is a Luxembourgish fund structure that doesn’t need the Regulator’s approval or supervision. With a time-to-market significantly shorter than similar CSSF-regulated structures, the RAIF always needs to appoint an external authorised Alternative Investment Fund Manager (AIFM).

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