AI-powered decision support systems, what are they?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) can do all the things humans do better, faster, and more reliably. That’s a bold statement. Because it seems that the next wave of Fintech is aiming to sweep humans out of financial services and who knows out of what else. One reads endless articles imagining dystopian …

The Intensifying Fight Against Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (Part 1)

“The only way to stop the flow of this dirty money is to get tough on the bankers who help mask and transfer it around the world. Banks themselves don’t launder money, after all: people do.” Robert Mazur, former federal agent who worked as an undercover money launderer In recent …

Eight podcasts on emerging technologies you should listen to in 2020

One day, robots will socialise with people. One day, we’ll be able to successfully teleport into a different city, country and continent. One day, we’ll have nanobots running in our bloodstream that will allow us never to get sick again.  Do you think it’s impossible? While we might have a …

The corporate responsibility of technology

Think of corporate responsibility. Then, situations linked to people, nature, pollution, climate change and philanthropy come to your mind. Now, think of technology, and smartphones, drones, virtual reality and, almost unavoidably, artificial intelligence are recalled. We tend to dissociate them because, in principle, they belong to different dimensions, the real …

To trace or not to trace: opportunities and risks of contact tracing apps

Would you give up your privacy for the greater good? Mobile technology allows us to communicate instantaneously and, to most of us, it’s a great ally to act more efficiently no matter the time or the place. It’s said to be one of the most promising tools (or set of …

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