Is it time for (re)insurers to crack the code on AML/CFT with artificial intelligence? 

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has caused revolutionary changes in the rapidly evolving fields of technology and finance. It brings unprecedented opportunities for innovation and efficiency, but it also introduces new challenges, especially when it comes to financial security.   Anti-Money Laundering (AML) is one critical area where the combination of AI …

What’s driving the new era for managed services in the alternatives investment industry?

According to our recent outsourcing study (we will come back to it later), 90% of Luxembourg’s financial centre outsources activities, confirming that outsourcing is more than just a hot topic, it’s a reality already well established in the financial sector’s organisation landscape. In addition, the market is increasingly looking to …

Empowering citizen experience: trends and strategies in Luxembourg’s public services

We start this blog entry with a trip down memory lane. Imagine you are back in 2012, waiting at the bus stop to get to work. It’s 7:48am, then 7:53am and finally 8:01am… Your bus was due to arrive at 7:40. ‘What the heck is happening?’ you wonder, your emotions …

Workforce in the Luxembourg healthcare sector: A system up against the wall

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the confined population constantly praised the work of health professionals who worked tirelessly every day to make sure patients received the care they needed.  However, as the lockdown came to an end and we returned to a semblance of normalcy, the scarcity of healthcare staff in …

GenXYZ Boom: A Cross-Generational look at Future Expectations

In the ever-changing tapestry of our society, each generation contributes unique threads that weave together the fabric of our cultural identity and define who we are. As the world progresses, generational gaps become more apparent, often accompanied by a plethora of clichés and stereotypes that attempt to define each cohort.  …

Never Say Never – The myth of Intra-Group Outsourcing Exits

“Impossible! It doesn’t make sense!” – Léa, Compliance  “How would you even do that?” – Julie, Head of IT  “What are the consequences?” – Karl, Risk  Meet John, an IT Officer at a local Luxembourg AIFM, core member of the IT team, whose primary responsibility is to look after Information …

Be ready for Central Electronic System of Payment information (CESOP) with these four tips

Can you guess what was the amount of Value-Added Tax (VAT) due but uncollected in 2021 by the European Union (EU) Member States’ tax authorities? The ‘VAT compliance gap’ is the difference between the VAT total tax liability (VTTL) and what is actually collected by the Member States’ tax authorities.  …

What you need to know about Terrorism Financing in Luxembourg

If you have been following the news, you are likely aware that Luxembourg’s neighbours—Belgium, France, Germany and the Netherlands—have been facing a number of terrorist attacks over the years. This and the current geopolitical situation call for an increased level of controls to counter terrorism financing.  In this context, the …

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