The silent office: tips on how to survive isolated home-based work

The fast-spreading COVID-19 makes some of us feel like we’re in a zombie apocalypse: limiting human contact, avoiding large crowds, and remaining behind closed doors to escape contamination. Almost straight out of a science-fiction movie or a dystopian novel, right? Not quite. The coronavirus is affecting each and every part …

Novel Coronavirus: A guide to business endurance

Never underestimate the small, neither in life, nor in business. Not even if the size of your opponent isn’t visible to your eyes.  The diameter of COVID-19, colloquially called “coronavirus”, is around 120 nanometers (nm). Write down the number “120” on a paper sheet; then, add six zeros before that …

Gender equality at the workplace: where we stand and where we want to go

If we had to paint each month with a different colour, March would be purple.  Purple embodies spirituality, creativity, dignity and royalty.  Internationally, it’s the colour that symbolises women. The choosing of this colour seems to have been inspired by the flag that the Women’s Social and Political Union (WSPU)⁠—a …

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