The corporate secretary, glorified clerk or guardian of governance?

Corporate Secretary is a role commonly integrated in the Anglo-Saxon corporate culture. In continental Europe, it’s often seen as an administrative support function only. However, societal expectations, regulatory pressure and court decisions are drastically changing the perception of the corporate secretary, which is becoming a key element for organisations’ success. …

The 2021 Top Five Artificial Intelligence trends in Europe

Necessity being the mother of (re)invention, the COVID-19 pandemic is both a start and stop button of lockdowns and the trigger for an (almost) dramatic acceleration of digital transformation.  We’ve witnessed major changes in the way we work, particularly with the generalisation, at least momentaneous, of home-based work. However, other …

Paramètres sociaux 2021 au Luxembourg, quoi de neuf?

Presque un an après le début d’une épidémie et d’une crise économique sans précédent, c’est en direction des plus bas revenus que le gouvernement luxembourgeois a décidé d’agir. En effet, avec une revalorisation de 2,8% du salaire social minimum, ce sont plus de 60 000 salariés qui verront leur salaire …

Social Parameters 2021 in Luxembourg, what’s new?

IMPORTANT: The Social Parameters have been updated. Read our PwC Flash to learn about the new applicable social parameters from 1 April 2022. Nearly one year after the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic –unheard-of by most of us–  followed by an economic crisis, the Luxembourg government has decided to focus …

The Art of Co-Creation

In a previous blog entry,  Armin explained why Customer-centricity is at the core of business strategy for successful transformation. In this article, we would like to focus on tactics to co-create value with customers.   Companies have long seen consumers as passive target audiences for what they create. Porter’s value chain …

COVID-19: How will it possibly impact your solvency II Best Estimate assumptions? 

In this article we discuss potential implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on the best estimate assumptions and capital modeling under solvency II for life insurers. The observations are more applicable to life insurers but can also be relevant for reinsurance.  Our conclusions are based on our experience on the insurance …

The Know-Your-Third-Party approach in financial services

The last cybersecurity-related blog entry of this special and ineffable 2020 is about the Know-Your-Third-Party approach, which allows for the standardisation of third-party oversight processes, including managing cybersecurity risks proactively.   The more technology spreads across the world of work, the more financial institutions rely on software applications and specialised IT …

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