LIBOR, simply explained

There are interest rate indices, and there is LIBOR. There are numbers, and there is LIBOR. In fact, you can even find articles referring to it as “the world’s most important number”. But what is this index the business community is increasingly talking about?   By the end of 2021, …

How to successfully upskill in six steps

Many companies are desperately looking for candidates to fill their increasing job vacancies. Meanwhile hundreds of millions of unemployed, overqualified or under-skilled workers do not, or no longer, have the relevant skill sets required to fulfil specific roles. This lost workforce represents an incredible loss in growth and economic prosperity. …

People Experience Series: Burn the burnout down!

The world is changing. We’re sure you’ve heard that sentence many times over the past year. Technology being implemented in just about anything, from our personal to our professional lives, is reshaping the way we work. With the constant development of artificial intelligence-based tech and robotics, some job will disappear …

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