What Luxembourg HR pros think of the current state of the industry

The Human Resources (HR) function is spellbound by the times in which we live, ones of digital turmoil and societal change. Once any of these factors reaches critical mass, businesses are bound to pledge adherence —there isn’t another option anyway — and so must everything HR. The, “It’s just a …

Could MOOCs become a valuable tool in Upskilling?

Since Roman times, people considered the traditional classroom synonymous with receiving education. In the last 20 years, as the world became seduced by technology, the notion of distance learning began to take shape. From radio and television to the internet, technology developments have walked almost hand-in-hand with new learning experiences.  …

Decrypting crypto-assets

Could Bitcoin be to Cryptocurrencies what Napster was to Peer-to-Peer file sharing? Napster helped shape the web 2.0, intentionally or not. Bitcoin might be the precursor of a world where crypto-assets-based transactions are as common as relying on your smartphone for, well, almost everything. If you were a child when …

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